Privacy Policy

EchotrAPP is an app designed for work communication between driver and dispatcher in logistics companies. Dispatcher can also watch the actual vehicle position based on location of driverīs mobile phone or tablet.

1.1 Location

The Application uses GPS technology (or other similar technology) to determine current location of your lorry and display it on a dispatcher‘s map. Background positioning during the process of transport of goods in required for proper application functionality. After finishing the work the user can switch this function off.

1.2 Log files

Log files are small text files stored locally containing debugging data. No personally identifying data are included. Log files are not accessible by other applications. They help us deliver better support if you contact us. Log files are only stored locally and removed when the application is uninstalled.

1.3 Contact us

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at

1.4 Personal data protection

Notice about protecting personal data

AURIS CZ, s.r.o., operator and owner of, gives notice that all personal data are treated confidentially in accordance with regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

Only personal information that is used for authorization of users is stored.

What information do we keep?

To complete login to system we need: Name, Company name, Telephone number. Registration plate of the vehicle and contact mail are optional.

Why do we keep this information?

This data is only kept for the purpose of authorization to the system.

How can you amend the data we hold?

If we hold personal data about you and you wish to know what data we hold or change such data then send a request to